Why Is China Agains Free Speech

Story highlights

  • Cathay's Cyberspace model is one of extreme command, says Amnesty's Eastern asia manager
  • Chinese regime suppress online fence on a range of legitimate issues, she says
  • While the battlefield is virtual, the bear on on people's lives is real and devastating, she adds.

Roseann Rife, E Asia research manager at Amnesty International, appears equally a guest on the latest episode of "On Communist china," which examines Cyberspace censorship. For air times, please click hither. The views expressed here are solely hers.

(CNN)The Chinese government has declared the Internet to be the new battlefield in its fight against "pornography and unlawful data."

The chilling reality is that the master casualty of this cyberwar is freedom of expression. Prc's Net model is 1 of farthermost command. The authorities use an regular army of censors to stifle dissent.

    In Jan, the Orwellian "State Internet Information Part" announced it had close down scores of websites and more than 100 social media accounts for "distorting history of the Communist Political party and the nation."

      Roseann Rife, East Asia research director at Amnesty International.

      Nether the guise of a campaign to ensure social stability, the Chinese regime suppress online contend on a range of legitimate issues.

      Dozens of phrases are censored on social media including any mention of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown or the recent Hong Kong pro-democracy protests. Thousands of websites, including Wikipedia, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter remain blocked.

      Devastating impact

        While the new battlefield is virtual, the touch on people's lives is real and devastating. Since President Xi Jinping came to power, hundreds of people have been detained solely for expressing their peaceful views online.

        It is women's rights activists, anti-corruption and environmental campaigners, and those urging debate on political and legal reforms who autumn foul of online censors.

        Su Changlan was detained by police in October 2014.

        Her apparent "crime" was to have posted comments online in back up of Hong Kong's pro-democracy protests. She faces charges of "inciting subversion of land ability," and a potential sentence of life imprisonment.

        Liu Ping, a 45-twelvemonth-old female parent and grassroots activist, languishes in jail correct now. Concluding June, she was sentenced to 6 years in prison on the charge of "picking quarrels and provoking troubles" for publicly calling on the Chinese government to footstep upwards the fight against corruption.

        Liu Ping'southward online posts of photos of her holding banners calling for transparency, and transcripts of Skype chats with foreign media, were used to condemn her at her trial.

        The paradox is that President Xi has made great mileage out of his ain anti-abuse bulldoze. The persecution of Liu Ping, and many others that heighten these bug just underlines the hypocrisy of the current leadership.

        Set on on all fronts

        This online attack is office of the worst crackdown against freedom of expression in Red china in more a decade. Under President 11, it is an assault on all fronts: in academia, in the media, civil society and online.

        Ilham Tohti, an economics professor at Cardinal University for Nationalities in Beijing and the founder of the "Uyghur Online" website was sentenced to life imprisonment in September 2022 on charges of "separatism." The charge was based on his online manufactures, academy lectures and interviews with foreign media.

        He worked to peacefully build bridges between ethnic communities and frequently criticized regime policies that promoted discrimination. I take not seen show that his words did otherwise.

        The Chinese authorities abuse the law to suppress online freedom and target disquisitional voices, all the same have the guile to portray such persecution as evidence of the rule of law in action.

        Far from relenting, the authorities is introducing a swath of regressive legislation and regulations in a further assault against online privacy and freedom of expression.

        A new, vaguely worded draft anti-terror constabulary lacks sufficient safeguards and gives the authorities most a free rein to collect information on individuals' online activities.

        All Internet and telecommunication service providers operating in China would be required to give the government backdoor access to their systems and details near the encryption used.

        Yes, the government has a responsibility to ensure national security and to combat serious crime, but such measures must be targeted and proportionate to the threat. Internet companies doing business in China must also accept all possible efforts to avoid contributing to human rights abuses.

        Global model?

        At the international level the Chinese authorities looks to legitimize its actions. Prc's charismatic "Internet Czar," Lu Wei, extolls the concept of "internet sovereignty" and promotes it as an acceptable global model.

        This initiative must not go unchallenged. Internet sovereignty in People's republic of china equals censorship and persecution; a web to trap thousands of individuals peacefully expressing different views online.

        While the immediate outlook is bleak, there is hope. The Internet has proved invaluable to the evolution of human rights -- revolutionizing admission to information and improving transparency and accountability.

        For every online critic the Chinese authorities imprison, there are scores more than prepared to speak out despite the risks. It is with these courageous individuals that those of united states of america who value online liberty must stand united.

          The battle to promote Internet sovereignty and silence all critical voices is 1 the Chinese authorities must not be allowed to win.


          Source: https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/24/opinions/china-internet-dissent-roseann-rife/index.html

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